A bit on the side – Zeichnung auf Nebenwegen / drawing on sidepath
Pick up a pen and draw: They are fixations of a moment in its
fleetingness and intensity at the same time.
Artists of all disciplines, whether draftsmen, painters, sculptors, object artists,
often also dancers and musicians use drawing as a snapshot or to explore and
investigate thoughts and themes. Through its directness and particularly close
proximity to its author, however, the drawing also always acquires a special
intrinsic value.
The concept for an exhibition starts with drawings that also
show the results of a different path.
The focus should be on drawings that continue to change themselves or, through
their particular process of creation, already carry the change in themselves, which
open themselves to other areas: Color, the text, the object-like, which become
threedimensional, get sound, word, etc., begin to move real in space or in
Works in which the drawing is the starting point, the mouth and at the same
time the center, precisely because it certainly goes new ways, detours, side
paths, uses other areas and artistic expression possibilities and thus expands
They are space-openers, dimension-expanders and transformers, who give
seemingly banal things a completely new dimension, abduct them into strange
worlds of thought and show the most diverse realities, which apparently exist
permanently parallel to the "usual".
15 artists of different generations, members of the Westdeutscher Künstlerbund e.V., show their individual ways of accessing artistic byways in the form of drawings, collages, objects, installations, video.
The participating artists: Matthias Beckmann, Berlin; P.P. Berg, Münster; Patrick Borchers, Dortmund; Christoph Bangert, Berlin; Nina Brauhauser, Düsseldorf: Marta Colombo, Essen; Christoph Heek, Kleve; Ulrich Möckel, Beckum; Renate Paulsen, Köln; Gerhard Reinert, Gelsenkirchen; Yevgenia Safranowa, Essen; Maria Schleiner, Münster/Dortmund; Mira Schumann, Dortmund; Samuel Treindl, Münster; Alexander Voß, Mülheim/Ruhr.
The exhibition organizer: Westdeutscher Künstlerbund e.V. (West German Artists' Association)
The exhibition is
sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia,
Lithuanian Council for Culture, Kaunas City Municipality.