Arnis Aleinikovas. Performance LUCIDITY

Event Time: 17 03 2023–18 03 2023
Meno Parkas Gallery (Rotušės a. 27, 44279 Kaunas, Lithuania)

You try going to a RAVE party as a spectator and see what happens.

The performative show is a summary of Arnis Aleinikovas‘s month-long residency at the Wrocław Institute of Culture within the EU Magic Carpets platform.
The title LUCIDITY means "the ability to think clearly," which, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is described as a momentary experience. The performers of the show participated in the workshops led by Arnis Aleinikovas in Wroclaw, Poland. During the workshops they were able to explore this state through movement techniques including ecstatic movement, automatic writing and long meditative dance in a rave rhythm. The whole process played an extremely important role in the creation of the final performance LUCIDITY, which combines all the methods of body work learned. Individual movements developed by workshop participants, as well as texts and visualizations, will be used in the show.

Since the 1990s, electronic music parties have become a remedy for many generations, and LUCIDIT breaks down sequences of repetitive movements, tempo changes, body micro-movements, and invites us to reflect on the role in times of technological acceleration, and what processes can be subjected to in the age of artificial intelligence development?

What can you expect at the performance? ↓ ↓ ↓

The aesthetics of meditative practices, techno and rave parties, will put us in an ecstatic state where the body surrenders to the rhythm and can move freely. Dance will also become one form of escape to a place on the borderline between dream and reality, a relaxed and tense body, darkness and light. The first floor of Meno Parkas will become a dance floor with colorful and flashing lighting, artificial smoke and fluorescence.
Friday 17 March at 7 pm and Saturday 18 March at 7 pm | performance LUCIDITY | Gallery Meno Parkas, Rotušės sq. 27, Kaunas -> free entrance, limited seating, registration recommended on

IMPORTANT: the show also uses loud music, lasers and the strobe effect (light pulsating with high frequency). Persons sensitive to this type of lighting are asked to be especially careful.

Pr-party: an opportunity to discuss the creative process with the artist and the performers is open on March 17, after the performance (from 8:30 pm), at the location of the event. The official afterparty of the event is taking place on March 17 from 11:00 pm at the "Haxan Club" (Laisvės av. 36).

Arnis Aleinikovas is a Lithuanian interdisciplinary artist. He creates artistic works on the borderline of theater, performance, spatial installation, movement, fashion, film, music and science. In his practice, he is interested in existential topics such as the concept of reality, quantum mechanics, artificial intelligence and somatic healing.


Paulina Brelińska-Garsztka is a freelance independent art critic, curator and graduate of curatorship studies at the University of Arts in Poznań, PL. A member of Artistic Research Collective Czy badania artystyczne. Currently she works as an international projects and residency coordinator in Wrocław Institute of Culture.


→ Joanna Kisiel sees a lot of good in the movement of the body, dance for her is a form of activity that can be performed not only in the hall or stage but also in her own room. She travels, spends time with friends and enjoys different kinds of coffee.
→ Agata Omelańska, a good soul open to techno, passionate about pole dance and various arts. She believes in hard work, being nice to people and that field flowers don't care where they grow.
→ Barbara Krupa is interested in experimental forms of dance and movement in the broadest sense, as well as butoh, jiutamai, kalaripayattu, tai chi yang style, African, jazz and contemporary dance.
→ Valentyna Shaiko, multiple rave-goer, passionate about contemporary abstract painting, collage, printmaking and street art.
→ Lizzy, dancer, performer enjoying being in motion and cozy with her body. Body is home for her that is loyal to gravity but likes to disregard it from time to time.
→ Marek Gluziński is a publisher, activist, organiser, coordinator, curator and producer. He has been associated with the independent music and theater scene for many years. As a performer he works at the intersection of physical theater and experimental choreography, conducting research in the area of masculinity as part of the project Kryzys Wieku Męskiego.
Premiered at Barbara center in Wroclaw, Poland in January, 2023.

Kaunas Biennial and Wrocławski Instytut Kultury are partners of the international Magic Carpets platform co-financed by the European Union and Lithuanian Council of Culture.

The exhibition is part of gallery's project "Ether. 2023". Project is partly financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.