Artissima Unplugged. 2020

This year Artissima has redesigned its format and takes place in an Unplugged, more intimate and at the same time more widespread version, composed of physical exhibitions* and digital projects.

One of Artissima‘s digital projects is an Online Catalogue, thanks to which all lovers of contemporary art, collectors and sector professionals can explore the galleries, artists and works in an interactive way, saving their preferred content even when not in Torino. Through engaging, intuitive browsing, it is possible to discover the Main Section, New Entries, Dialogue/Monologue, Art Spaces & Editions sections, partially represented also in the three physical exhibitions of Artissima Unplugged. You will find Meno Parkas Gallery among Main Section galleries presenting works by artists Agnė Jonkutė, Patricija Gilytė, Žilvinas Landzbergas and Eglė Ulčickaitė.

Online Catalogue will be awailable from November 5 to 9 January of 2021 at

Gallerys Meno Parkas profile:


In addition of digital projects Artissima will present the three physical exhibitions*. Reflecting the common theme of Frenetic Standstill, the three Artissima Unplugged exhibitions will be shown in three prestigious venues of Fondazione Torino Musei, each rich in history: the GAM - Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo Madama - Museo Civico d’Arte Antica, and MAO - Museo d’Arte Orientale. Curated by Ilaria Bonacossa, in close consultation with the gallery owners involved and with the support of Valerio Del Baglivo for the New Entries section, Frenetic Standstill will unveil a series of works from the galleries selected for this edition of the Fair: the very essence of what you would have admired on the stands of the iconic Main Section, Dialogue/Monologue, and New Entries.

The modernist GAM building, on the ground floor and in the basement, will host an installation of surprising visual polyphony with over 100 works from the galleries of the Main Section and the Dialogue/Monologue section of Artissima, selected by Ilaria Bonacossa. The works from the Main Section are monumental pieces by great artists who are true pioneers, combined with irreverent experiments by international talents: small, unexpected creative signs, sculptures, large installations, paintings and photographs provide a variegated overview of the research of artists all over the world. The galleries of the Dialogue/Monologue section, on the other hand, will present more intimate pieces, which are nevertheless equally capable of activating resonance and stimulating reflection.

The work selected by Ilaria Bonacossa, will be presented by Meno Parkas at the GAM among the other works from Main Section galleries is „Pathway“ by the young Lithuanian painter Eglė Ulčickaitė. This artwork very reasently where shown in a modern and contemporary art fair „POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair 2020“, digital Artissima project „Fondamenta“ and artists solo exhibition at Meno Parkas Gallery in Kaunas.

Pathway (Oil on canvas; 145 x 197 cm. 2019). “Isn‘t the most banal images ones that raise the biggest suspicions? Unreliable and dangerous at the same time, because of their invisibility and capacity to slip through one‘s eyes, although remaining always around us, closer than others. Images that keeps returning in dreams, about which we say – “I just was in the place I have never been before”. Quite probably this is the place where I wait for my bus to work daily? Perhaps now, standing in front of it, I keep observing my dream, how can I tell if I am not one of those pigeons, just standing a few steps away.“ (Eglė Ulčickaitė).

Eglė Ulčickaitė (b. 1989) – young gallery‘s artist, lives and works in Vilnius, Lithuania. Since 2014 is a lecturer at Vilnius Academy of Arts. Participating in various art residency programmes, number of exhibitions and projects in Lithuania and abroad. Her works are part of Mo Museum and private collections. According to the artist – in her creative practice, she explores the means of perceiving time and temporality as well as work of memory. Aims at comprehending where the state of experiencing parallel times comes from. Focuses on developing a concept of multiple temporalities, that is to say, perception of the present against the background of the past(s). She pays attention to still-existent material links to the overpassed time, with which she has no physical links. Investigates manifestations of everyday life: things, interiors, spots, and locations – common-places that humans establish, reconstruct, and abandon. In particular, she focuses on that part of the environment that loses its utilitarian purpose. Seeks capturing time in painting through difference in meaning of a thing and its function.


* The public opening of the three physical exhibitions of Artissima Unplugged has been postponed until a date to be determined, due to the worsening health situation and in order to comply with the measures issued in the presidential decree on 5 November 2020 to stop the spread of COVID-19.


An exclusive virtual preview of GAM exhibition Here

Discover the Virtual Tour Here


More information about the project Artissima Unplugged Here

Gallery's participation at Artissima is partly financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.