Dominykas Sidorovas. MONSTER

Exhibition Time: 17 11 2021–12 12 2021
Meno Parkas Gallery (Rotušės a. 27, 44279 Kaunas, Lithuania)

"I am intimidated by forms of fallen plaster in the hallway and on the ceiling. A big head of a child, a monster hippopotamus, a seal. I am intimidated by the paint drips on the frame of the toilet door – a crossbow. I am intimidated by the shapes of drying water on the plastic floor of the shower cabin – a portrait, a skull and a map. I am intimidated by things in the room – a monster chair, a bridge, the profile of a monster, a hanging mask."


The starting point of Dominykas Sidorovas work is the object of everyday life. Rehabilitating a boring routine and the seemingly insignificant nouns in it, the artist tells the narrative of a person and poetry of everyday life. Things are characters whose monologues or dialogues are saturated with human intimacy, joy and frustration, past and never-happened adventures, love, sometimes even deterrence or fear. What matters is not a direct depiction of an object, but the artist’s sensitive view of a human and their relationships with the environment.

The painting exhibition "MONSTER" is a fresh chapter. To be precise, the start of a chapter in the “Manifesto of Things” which is being created by the artist. This manifesto is a project by D. Sidorovas which combines his artistic practice about things and people. In the “MONSTER” chapter, Dominykas Sidorovas captures the moment when the objects of our everyday life instantly become unrecognizable, alien, seemingly independent, frightening, monstrous, perhaps even dangerous. The image of the thing appears as an other, often completely unpleasant.


Under circumstances that affect the regime of the gaze, our usual environmental objects can become horrific and unreliable.
The menacing blue claws and dangerous mouths of Normandy leopards.
A safe area - the sea shell. To slump in there as if immerse yourself into the motif, starring at it – there is nothing around.

- Marius Vabalas


Dominykas Sidorovas (b. 1993) is a painter of the young generation actively participating in the artistic field of Lithuania. He participates in group exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. The exhibition “MONSTER” is his first solo show in Kaunas.


Partner: “Vartai” Gallery