„E. Varkalis paints his own moods, feelings and thoughts about certain day or certain moment, or what comes from cummunicating with friends and the environments that he has to face in one way or another. <...> When E. Varkalis is not with his friends or does not play his music, he closes off in his improvisational studio and dives into work. His paintings cycles usually consists of four, eight or more canvases or parts thereof. They begin with sudden spontaneous improvisations, grow, develop, and change until they reach their peak, and then the cycle closes, and Varkalis waits for a new wave of his feelings and moods to inspire him to begin a new cycle.
In Varkalis, I see a reflections of Tao / Zen philosophy both in his life and in his art. He has kept his daily needs to a minimum. He embraced poverty as his way of life. He is not at all interested in fame, success or money. He is usually infinitely happy to give his artworks to friends or just strangers. As an artist, he has perfected his life and mastery to a level where he can create a perfect work anywhere and in any material.“ – Jonas Mekas
Varkulevičius-Varkalis (b. 1956) – artist born in Kaunas, Lithuania, in
1975–1981 studied at Vilnius Art Institute (noew Vilnius Academy of Arts). In
1990–1994 artist lived and worked in Berlin, and later in 1994–2005 in New York
where he created, fillmed in expreimental films, participated in happenings.
The artist has been participating in exhibitions since 1983, and has presented
over 50 solo, group exhibitions, events and projects in Lithuania and abroad.
The exhibition is supported
by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.