Vaida Tamoševičiūtė (b. 1983)

2002-2008 MA in Painting, Vilnius Academy of Arts Kaunas Faculty, Lithuania.

Work Experience
2014-present Performance Art lecturer at Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Kaunas Faculty.
2018-present initiator and organizer of platforms for performance art - ORO, S MOM.
2011-2018 one of organizers of International Performance Art Festival CREATurE Live Art.
2007-2015 scenic painter at Kaunas National Drama Theater.
Freelance curator and coordinator of various art (mostly performance art) events.
Freelance decorator and scenic painter.
Fleelance educator (performance art, creativity).

Grants & Awards
2019 Lithuanian Council for Culture 1 year grant for research and creative project in Motherhood.
2018 Lithuanian Council for Culture educational grant for mentorship program Artist Residency in Motherhood with Lenka Clayton.
2018 Nordic Culture Point grant for artist mobility to participate in Paikkari Performance event.
2016 Lithuanian Council for Culture educational grant for month at LADA Study Room, London, UK.
2015 Kaunas Municipality Culture and Art award.
2015 Nordic Culture Point grant for artist mobility to participate in Paikkari Performance event.
2014 Lithuanian Council for Culture educational grant to create performance series “Daily Routine Rituals“.
2013 Kaunas Municipality grant for young artists.

Solo Exhibitions
2021 “Body of Mother”, gallery Undercurrent, New York, USA.
2019 “Body of Mother”, gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas, Lithuania.
2013 “Performance Archive”, gallery Homo ludens, Jonava, Lithuania.
2010 Personal exhibition “3 Love Stories”, Culture factory Polymer, Tallinn, Estonia.
2008 “Trace of Wound”, Festival Kunigunda Lunaria, Užupis Art Incubator Galera, Vilnius, Lithuania; Vytautas Magnus University art gallery 101, Kaunas, Lithuania.
2006 “After a Spectacle”, Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Selected National and International Appearances
2023 Performances “You Are the Source Now II” in Collaboration with Arnis.
2023 Aleinikovas at “Performance Tour”, Kaunas Artists’ House, Lithuania.
2023 Performances “The Cage” and “Balance” at “Live Action‘18”, Gothemburg, Sweden.
2022 Performance “Circles of pain II” at Festival of Baltic Art “Volume UP!”, Grace Exhibition space, New York, USA (Also a curator of Lithuanian program).
2021 Group show at “Positions Berlin Art Fair”. Meno Parkas Gallery booth, Berlin, Germany.
2021 Performance “Stork Migration” in collaboration with Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat at performance event “Im Zentrum der eigenen Peripherie”, studio im HOCHHAUS, Berlins, Germany.
2021 Performance “El Aviso” at online “International trienal of performance art DEFORMES”, Santiago, Chile.
2020 Performance “Mother-Daughter” at art festival “Formos’20”, Kėdainiai Culture Center, Lithuania.
2020 Artist talk-work presentation with Daina Pupkevičiūtė. “Latvian Centre for Performance Art”, Riga, Latvia.
2020 Participation in online conference “Chronicles of Confinement: Europa”, curated by Hector Canonge, New York, USA.
2020 Performance art program at international online event S MOM "Silence", Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas Lithuania.
2020 Performance at event S MOM “Equilibrium”, Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas Lithuania.
2020 Performance screening at “Diverse Universe / Prinmaking IN Avamisralli” video program, Linnagalerii, Pärnu, Estija.
2019 Performance “In Memorium” in 2 acts, Performance art festival “Salvage”, ]performance s p a c e[, public spaces, Folkestone, UK.
2019 Performance “Transition”, exhibition “Blood and Soil”, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2019 Performance "Home" with Romanas Togobickij, Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas Lithuania.
2019 Collaborative performances as part of International project "Same difference: Equinox to Equinox", (2016-2019) Various public spaces in Kaunas, Lithuania / online platform shared with around 50 participant countries.
2018 Collaborative performance with Židrija Janušaitė at International art festival "Kaunas in Art” organized by Meno Parkas Gallery, "Kaunas Artists' house", Kaunas Lithuania.
2018 Performance "Rethinking a Fairytale" at International Performance Art Festival "CREATurE Live Art", gallery "POST", Kaunas, as result of workshop by Rocio Boliver (MX).
2018 Performance "Diffusion" at "Paikkari Performance" festival, Sammati, Finland
2018 Performance "Purification after Storm" at "Asregen" event, Extrapool, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
2018 Performance "Below my Heart" at a conference for educative project about "Fetal alcohol syndrome", gallery 555, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2018 Group exhibition "Not a Museum..." at KCCC Exhibition Hall, Klaipėda, Lithuania.
2017 Performance "When Blood becomes Milk" at Exhibition "Not a Museum..." Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania.
2017 Group exhibition "Chorus", Vilnius Academy of Arts exposition hall "Titanikas", Vilnius, Lithuania.
2017 Project "10 x 12" at Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania, org. with "Imago Mundi", Venice, Italy.
2017 "BiteVilnius AiR / August", Užupis Art Incubator "Galera", Vilnius, Lithuania
2016 Performance "Rh (-)" at performance event "Winter CREATurE", Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania.
2016 Paper presentation "Challanges in Contemporary Performance Art", Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas.
2016 Group exhibition "Distances without limits", "Kaunas Picture Gallery", Lithuania.
2016 Performance "AtA" at group exhibition "Today vs Tomorrow", Vytautas Magnus University art gallery "101", Kaunas, Lithuania.
2015 “Ekoart” at festival “Mėnuo Juodaragis”. Various landart projects (2009, 2011, 2012, 2015), Zarasai, Lithuania.
2015 Performance "Right and Left" with Lukas Kolmogorcevas, Dalia Dūdaitė and Mai Sööt, "Diverse Universe / Katla Art Fest 2015", Pärnu, Estonia.
2015 Performance "Home of Eve" at "Paikkari Performance" festival, Sammati, Finland
2015 Presentation (with Daina Pupkevičiūtė) "Educational tendency in performance art festival. Case of CREATurE Live Art. Lithuania" at International Conference "Curating performance Art as an Artistic Practise", Festival „Month of Performance Art-Berlin“, Germany.
2015 Performance "Longing" in collaboration with Daina Pupkevičiūtė, for exhibition "Black Roses", "Jonas Mekas Visual Art Center", Vilnius, Lithuania.
2015 Community project "Stories from Žagarė"at "Žagarė Fringe Festival", Lithuania.
2015 Performance "Armless Maiden" at International Art Forum "HOMO LUDENS XVIII", Jonava, Lithuania.
2014 Performance "Rethinking a Monument", Project in public spaces "MetaMonuments", Kaunas, Lithuania.
2014 Collaborative piece "Plaque at the Oak Tree" with Daina Pupkevičiūtė in the "Russel Square", London, United Kingdom.
2014 Performance "Feeling" at IPA (International Performance Association) Summer School Bucharest, Romania, as result of workshop by Jürgen Fritz.
2014 Performance screening at Festival "Performance Platform", Gallery "Labirynt", Lublin, Poland.
2014 Performance "One more try“ at "PALS festival 2014", Stockholm, Sweden.
2014 Performance "Bind" with Daina Pupkevičiūtė at the "Month of Performance Art Berlin", Germany.
2014 Performance "A Piece of My Heart" at Festival "Hitparaden2", Copenhagen, Denmark.
2013 Performance "Bonds" at 7th arts festival "Porin Juhlaviikot 2013". Pori, Finland.
Group exhibition "Arte Accion", Gallery "Salaveinteveintidos", Guadalajara, Mexico.
2013 Group exhibition of contemporary Lithuanian art "MENAS heist KUNST", "Städtische Galerie" Herne, Germany.
2013 Performance “Daily routine rituals: to make the bed”. “IX Kaunas biennial: UNITEXT” attendant event, Studio Casa, Kaunas, Lithuania.
2012 Exhibition with Toma Šlimaitė "Inconspicuous daily routine" KCCC Arts Courtyard gallery, Klaipėda, Lithuania.
2012 Group exhibition "Young painting of Kaunas", Picture gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
2012 Performance with Daina Pupkevičiūtė "N.ever.last/Bind", Performance festival "Dimanche Rouge" #20, Culture Factory "Polymer", Tallinn, Estonia.
2011 Baltic young artists exhibition "Zugzwang", Culture factory "Polymer", gallery "Artcontainer", Tallinn, Estonia.
2011 Group exhibition "Contemporary art from Kaunas", gallery "Januar", Bochum, Germany.
2010 International contemporary art festival "Kaunas in art: premiers", Meno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania.
2009 Interdisciplinary art festival "Seanahk", Haapsallu, Estonia.
2008 Performance "Porto. Washing away" as part of Emre Koyuncuoğlu and Tobias Hering an Intervention to a Public Space project "Porto Comunidade", Porto, Portugal.
2008 International contemporary art project "Red line: Bordering on us", gallery "Ideias Emergentes", Porto, Portugal.