Video Art Programme. Neringa Naujokaitė | Patricija Gilytė | Židrija Janušaitė | Žilvinas Landzbergas

Exhibition time: 25 01 2023–12 02 2023
Meno Parkas Gallery (Rotušės a. 27, 44279 Kaunas, Lithuania)

From January 13 to 25, on the second floor of the "Meno parkas" gallery present video works of 4 Lithuanian artists. These video films were presented in the year 2021 in the French city of Clermont-Ferrand at the international video art festival "Videoformes".

The program introduced by Meno Parkas gallery presents videos of 4 artists. This team of four people can be described as international, seeing that two of the artists - Neringa Naujokaite and Patricija Gilyte have been living and working in Germany for many years, whilst Zidrija Janusaite and Zilvinas Landzbergas - in Lithuania.


Neringa Naujokaitė studied at Vilnius Academy of Arts, later she continued her studies at Düsseldorf Academy of Arts and Cologne Academy of Media Arts. Apart from video works, Naujokaite is also actively working in the field of photography, which is usually closely related to the content of her videos. Today we presenting two of her works: "un altro … di vento, di cielo" (2015, duration: 7:45 min) and "Conversion" (2011, duration: 11:29 min).

Patricija Gilytė graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts, later the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. In addition to the videos, a significant part of her creation consists of objects, that are often inseparable from the concept of her video works. In the program we presenting one of her latest artworks - DANUBE_WOODLAND_RAFT (2019, duration: 5:58 min).

Židrija Janušaitė, who graduated from Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius Academy of Arts, actively working in the fields of painting and especially a performance art. Her videos often becomes an integral part of a that, a meditative performance itself. Gallery presenting her film "Caryatids. Majestic" created in 2015, specialy for the exhibition held in L‘Hospitalet Museum in Barcesona and based on the concept provided by the museum.

Žilvinas Landzbergas, who is also Vilnius Academy of Arts graduate, is well known as a creator of conceptual contemporary art projects, large-scale installations and objects. In 2017 he represented Lithuania at the Venice Biennale, in 2018 participated at Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art and São Paulo Biennial, as well as number of solo and international group shows since 2003. Video works in his projects are often a part of the whole creative idea. Today we present an animated film "The Saga" (Duration: 8:10) produced together with "PetPunk" collective in 2015.


The exhibition is part of gallery's project "Ether. 2023". Project is partly financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.